Saturday, February 07, 2009

Birthdays in June (updated)

After getting a bollocking off Risto for leaving him out of my first birthday list (as I didn't know in my original post from 2007 that we did in fact share the same birthday!) I've now updated the list, and also added a few more people I now know.

June 2nd - Benjamin
June 3rd - Grandma! :-D
June 4th - Ciaran
June 5th - Amir, Christina B
June 6th - Pappa Ramström ;-)
June 12th - Tanja
June 16th - Géraud, Dirk
June 17th - Robin
June 18th - Yours truely, Risto :-P
June 19th - PJ (aka Mr Eurovision), Jonas
June 20th - Christel, Calle
June 22nd - Elke
June 24th - Eva S
June 28th - Yvonne

19 people celebrating their lives in the month of June. Lovely :-))